NOTE: In order to understand this article well you should first read the article „Scientology – an Introduction.“ There you will find some statements about the human mind on which the following text is based.
What is auditing?
Auditing is an activity which is done between an auditor (a person trained in the techniques of Scientology and Dianetics) and a person who wants to improve him- or herself; let us call this person the client. It is done in an auditing session, a certain period of time which both spend together in a quiet and undisturbed place to do the auditing.
The purpose of auditing
In applying Scientology we assume the following:
- Man strives to be good
- He wants to improve his survival, which includes his wish to support the survival of his environment (familiy, friends, etc.)
- He wants to overcome that which inhibits his survival.
Auditing aims at:
- Better familiarizing a person with his or her abilities, and improving the abilities
- Erasing or lessening those mental things which impede the person or make him or her ill and unhappy.
- In brief, auditing is intended to help a person to better understand life and to master it more successfully. The purpose of auditing is to increase the self-determination of the client.
The basic principle of auditing
The reactive mind can influence the person because it contains unknown things. The person notices that he loses his temper in certain situations, but has no clue at all why. Auditing is based on the principle that everything which you look at thoroughly will lose the power it has over you.
Thus the auditor directs the attention of the client toward certain areas or subjects. The client looks at what thoughts, emotions, pictures and experiences he has in his mind regarding this subject. He tells the auditor what he finds and the auditor does nothing else beyond letting the client know that he has understood him. This is what we call the auditing communication cycle. It may be that the auditor will direct the attention of the client many times in a row to the same thing, thus enabling him to find out everything about it, step by step. Two things are important in this:
- The auditor does not give any evaluations of what the client finds. He does not give any interpretation. He just helps the person to get a picture of his own and to reach conclusions of his own by asking questions and accepting the answers.
- One stays with one subject until the person experiences a win regarding it – he finds out something new about himself or life in general. A part of the reactive mind vanishes for good or at least ceases to influence the person. What the auditor doesn’t do is to jump from one subject to another, wander around with no aim and touch dozens of things which afterward all impinge on the person, thus leaving him in worse condition than before.
Additionally, the auditor is bound to the Auditor’s Code, a collection of about 30 rules which govern his conduct toward the client and enable optimum gains. These rules, for instance, contain the idea that the auditor never may invalidate the client for something he has said, and that the auditor never may use secrets of the client revealed in session for punishing him or blackmailing him.
The procedure of auditing
Normally auditing is based on a program which was made for the specific client. At the outset, the auditor interviews the client and finds out about his mental and physical condition, where he has troubles, which things he wants to improve, etc.
A specially trained person, called a case supervisor, then puts together a sequence of steps and auditing actions which are based on the individual situation of the client. The case supervisor will continue to work with the auditor, reading his session reports, correcting possible mistakes and updating the program if necessary. The idea of having this external person is to make sure that the auditor isn’t blinded by his own mistakes or „fixed ideas.“
An auditing program on the one hand covers certain subjects which in general are addressed on every person in auditing (see the article on „The bridge„). On the other hand, areas are taken up which were found to be „charged.“ Charge is harmful energy connected to subjects and incidents in the reactive mind.
The E-Meter
To uncover charged areas we use the e-meter as a tool in auditing. An e-meter (short for electro-psychometer) is basically a highly precise measuring instrument that can register a change in the electromagnetic fields which are in and around a person. These are influenced by thoughts and pictures in the mind, especially if these are charged. The e-meter shows a reaction if the auditor calls a charged subject. Thus the auditor knows that this subject is really charged and should be taken up in auditing.
The e-meter is an irreplacable tool because the client might have an idea about the area in which he has trouble. But where exactly does the charge reside? If he knew this for sure he probably could resolve it in a moment. But is it the unknown, the hidden in these things, which makes life hard. So the e-meter helps the auditor to ask the right question and find the right approach to attack the reactive mind of the client, thus enabling the client eventually to get rid of what has troubled his life.
Who can audit?
There are simple processes which can be learned by thorough reading of a book and, for instance, can be audited with another person on a mutual basis. This can give you considerable gains. As an example, we recommend the book „Self Analysis“ by L.Ron Hubbard.
If you want to try auditing as a path, you should work with a professional auditor who has had competent training. We recommend that you contact an auditor in a „Ron’s Org.“ The Ron’s Org is a network of groups and individuals that are not hierarchically organized. They deliver auditing and training to interested individuals and stick to the techniques of L.Ron Hubbard. However, we do not recommend auditing in a Church of Scientology or a Dianetics center belonging to the Church of Scientology. It is still possible to find good auditors there, but they charge outrageous prices (in our view), and additionally we believe that, within the Church of Scientology, the auditing technology is used against people, to gain power over them and get the maximum money out of their pockets. The actual goal was lost from sight.
If you wish a personal contact you can write us via our contact formular.
An article with further information about the steps in auditing can be found in the article „The bridge„.